Rental Rates

Use of Facilities by Non-Commercial Organizations

Field House

Fitness Center

Membership only (Memberships include Fitness Center, Field House, and Pool)


$150.00 / Hr. (Includes Lifeguard)

Ice Arena

October – March: $150.00 / Hr. (50 minutes), April – September: $185.00 / Hr. (50 minutes)

Dana Hall Alumni Gymnasium

Practice: $75.00 / Hr., Games (Basketball & Volleyball): $200.00 / Game

Synthetic Turf Field

Practice: $100.00 / Hr., Games (Soccer & Lacrosse): $250.00 / Game

Baseball Field

Practice: $100.00 / Hr., Games: $250.00 / Game

Softball Field

Practice: $100.00 / Hr., Games: $250.00 / Game