Lunches at Chaney - $8 Fridays

$8 Friday Lunches in Chaney from 11:30 am - 2:00 pm is wonderful opportunity for faculty and staff to engage with students outside the classroom in an open and informal setting. Faculty may consider inviting strong upper division students to help mentor other students or individual students struggling with a sense of belonging who could use a little extra attention and support. FYE instructors and other staff are encouraged to plan lunches around the third week of classes as an opportunity to check in on your students’ sense of belonging and help those students needing a little extra support and attention as they navigate their first semester at college.

Students will use their meal plan (or if they don’t have a meal plan, pay their own $8) and the Provost Office will pick up the tab for the faculty or staff member's lunch; just sign in at Chaney.