HVAC Department

Derek Bateman
Plant Superintendent
Cooper Service Complex
Phone: 386-7166
E-Mail: batemand@canton.edu
HVAC Staff
- Josh Crawford, Plant Utilities Engineer 1
- Tod Flanagan, Plant Utilities Engineer 1
- Brett Furnia, Plant Utilities Engineer 1
furnia@canton.edu - Jeffrey Jay, Plant Utilities Assistant
jayj@canton.edu - Kenneth Johnson, Plant Utilities Engineer 1
johns295@canton.edu - Doug LaRose, Trades Specialist (Plumber/Steamfitter)
larosed@canton.edu - Jay Simmons, Plant Utilities Engineer 1
simmo123@canton.edu - Garrett Thomas, Plant Utilities Engineer 1
Heating Policy
SUNY Canton is pursuing increased energy conservation which will result in decreased energy use and increased cost savings.
- Office areas will be heated to a minimum of 68F from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Classrooms and other academic areas will be heated to this temperature from 8:00a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. During off-hours, weekends and holidays, the temperature will be allowed to drop to 60F before heating occurs unless otherwise requested for approved program purposes.
- Heating for approved program purposes will be provided on weekends and off-hours as needed. Each Deans office should provide the Physical Plant with a list individuals in each departmental office authorized to request off-hour/weekend/holiday heating. Requests for off-hour/weekend/holiday heating must be received by the Physical Plant (ext. 7222) by 10:00 a.m. of the proceeding business day.
- The HVAC Department will utilize the most energy efficient means of supplying heat for approved off-hour/weekend/holiday requests.
- Due to an inability to precisely control temperatures, it may be the case that some spaces may be warmer than others, or that central controls will not permit the HVAC Department to raise the temperature in the rest of the facility.
- During severe cold temperatures or during an extended weekend/shutdown, or due to particular characteristics of some of our facilities, there will be instances when the temperature will drop to 55F.
- As a precaution against fire and in our pursuit to decrease energy use on Campus, portable heaters are not allowed and will be removed.
- Please report over-heated, under-heated or any other heating deficiencies to the Physical Plant at Ext. 7222.
Air Conditioning Policy
SUNY Canton is pursuing increased energy conservation which will result in decreased energy use and increased cost savings.
- Air conditioned office areas will be cooled beginning on or about the first day of June and ending on or about the last day of September to 76F from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Air conditioned classrooms which are scheduled, will be cooled to this temperature beginning on or about the first day of June and ending on or about the last day of September from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. (Lower temperatures may exist in other areas in order that 76F is not exceeded in other areas in the same fan zone or to keep reheats off.) During off-hours, weekends and holidays, the temperature will be allowed to rise unless otherwise requested for approved program purposes.
- Cooling for approved program purposes will be provided on weekends and off-hours as needed. Each Deans office should provide the Physical Plant with a list individuals in each departmental office authorized to request off-hour/weekend/holiday cooling. Requests for off-hour/weekend/holiday cooling must be received by the Physical Plant (ext. 7222) by 10:00 a.m. of the proceeding business day.
- The HVAC Department will utilize the most energy efficient means of supplying cooling during normal hours of operation and for approved off-hour/weekend/holiday requests.
- The HVAC Department will not operate chillers and air conditioning systems until the outside air temperature is 74F.
- The HVAC Department will not operate reheat systems in the air conditioning process.
- During severe hot temperatures or during an extended weekend/shutdown, or due to particular characteristics of some of our facilities, there will be instances when the temperature will be allowed to rise.
- The Physical Plant / HVAC Department will monitor special purpose spaces and facilities to determine if modifications to the policy are warranted.
- Please report over-cooled, under-cooled areas or any other air conditioning deficiencies to the Physical Plant at Ext. 7222.
Cooper Service Complex
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617
Phone: 315-386-7222
Fax: 315-386-7960
Office Hours:
7:30 am - 4:30 pm
After hours, call
University Police