Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Auditing Courses

With permission of the instructor, a person may audit any credit course offered by the College. A maximum of two courses may be audited in one semester, unless a waiver is obtained from the Provost. An individual may not audit the same course in two consecutive semesters. The Course Audit Form, which is available from the Deans’ offices or the Registrar, must be completed and returned to the Registrar’s Office. Course audits require a registration fee of $50 per course but are free of charge for those 60 years of age and over. Individuals may not begin auditing a course until the registration process is completed as described on the Course Audit Form. Once the individual has elected to audit a course, one cannot subsequently change the audit to credit. No credit is granted for audited courses. The course auditor will abide by the conditions agreed to by the instructor and auditor as stated on the Course Audit Form. Auditors must adhere to the Code of Student Conduct as published on the College’s website and in each course syllabus. Permission to audit may be revoked for disruptive or inappropriate behavior. Campus student services (i.e. Academic Support Services, Counseling, etc.) are not available for course auditors.