Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Alcohol and Controlled Substances

It is the policy of SUNY Canton that the unlawful use, possession, manufacture, dispensation, or distribution of alcohol and controlled substances in all campus locations, including fraternity and sorority residences, is prohibited.

No student may attend class, and no employee will report for work or will work, impaired by any substance, drug or alcohol, lawful or unlawful. Individuals may possess and use a controlled substance which is properly prescribed for him or her by a physician, as long as its use causes no impairment. “Impaired” means under the influence of a substance such that the individual’s motor senses (i.e., sight, hearing, balance, reaction, or reflex) or judgment either are or may be reasonably presumed to be affected. The term “controlled substance” is defined in Section 202 of the Controlled Substance Act (21 USC 812).

Alcohol may be consumed or dispensed in public areas only as authorized by a permit issued by the College Alcohol Coordinator and in accordance with the Alcohol Policy section of this manual.

Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action consistent with applicable laws, rules, regulations, collective bargaining agreements, and the Code of Student Conduct. Student violations will be a matter of attention by the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, and employee violations will be a matter of attention by the Director of Human Resources. Individuals may also be required to participate in and satisfactorily complete an approved drug or alcohol abuse assistance or rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment or enrollment.

As a condition of continuing enrollment, each student shall abide by this policy and notify the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, in writing of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring on campus, within five calendar days of such a conviction. The College is obligated to notify the appropriate federal contracting agency, if applicable, within ten calendar days of receipt of notice of a student conviction as noted above.

As a condition of employment, each employee shall abide by this policy and notify the Director of Human Resources, in writing of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring in the workplace or at the College worksite, within five calendar days of such a conviction. The College is obligated to notify the appropriate federal contracting agency, if applicable, within ten calendar days of receipt of notice of an employee conviction as noted above.

The College provides on-going drug and alcohol awareness educational programs, and dissemination of pertinent information will continue to occur for all members of the campus community.

Confidential counseling and referral for alcohol and drug maladies is available to students through the Counseling Center and Davis Health Services. Employees may seek services through the Employee Assistance Program.