Budget Preparation

Budgets at SUNY Canton are prepared by the Vice President for Administration and his/her staff in cooperation with division and departmental heads under the guidance of the President of the College, in keeping with State University goals. Basically, budget preparation steps are as follows:

  • The Vice President for Administration contacts the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, the Vice President for Advancement, and the President and requests budget input for departmental needs for Temporary Service and OTPS in each of their divisions.
  • The Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students, the Vice President for Advancement, and the President consult with department heads and faculty, and return requests to the Vice President for Administration.
  • Division requests are consolidated and shaped according to target figures and projected revenue for the coming year. Personal Service dollars are managed and considered to be campus restricted.
  • Once a comprehensive financial plan developed by the campus it is submitted to System Administration. Within 3-4 weeks of their approval, SUNY will distribute the allocation to the appropriate accounts for use and management by the campus.