Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Child Sexual Abuse - Mandatory Reporting and Prevention

Any employee or student of or volunteer for the State University of New York who witnesses or has reasonable cause to suspect any sexual abuse of a child occurring on State University property or while off campus during official State University business or University-sponsored events shall have an affirmative obligation to report such conduct to the relevant University Police Department immediately. Such report should include the names of the victim and assailant (if known), other identifying information about the victim and assailant, the location of the activity, and the nature of the activity. Upon receiving such a report, the applicable University Police Department shall promptly notify the Commissioner of University Police at SUNY System Administration who shall report such incidents to the Chancellor for periodic reporting to the Board of Trustees.

In addition, to aid in the prevention of crimes against children on property of the State University of New York and/or during official State University business at events sponsored by the State University of New York, relevant employees should be trained on the identification of such crimes and proper notification requirements. Vendors, licensees or others who are given permission to come onto campus or to use University facilities for events or activities that will include participation of children shall ensure that they have in place procedures for training, implementation of applicable pre-employment screening requirements and reporting of child sexual abuse.

For the purposes of this policy, the applicable definitions of child sexual abuse are those used in the NYS Penal Law in Articles 130 and 263 and Section 260.10, and “child” is defined as an individual under the age of 17.

For more information, please contact Human Resources.