Classes for Monday, February 17 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Vehicle - Lens Guidelines

An applicant who is less than 18 years of age and/or does not hold a New York State valid driver’s license is not eligible to drive a DMV-licensed, State-owned, leased, or rented vehicle. An applicant would also be precluded from operating a vehicle if he/she:

  1. Has been convicted of any violation involving the use of alcohol or drugs while operating a motor vehicle during the past 36-month period.
  2. Have been convicted of more than three vehicle and traffic law violations during the past 12-month period.
  3. Has been involved in two or more reportable motor vehicle accidents. Reportable accidents will be considered any personal injury accident and/or property damage accident in excess of $2,500. Accidents must be within a 24-month period, and driver is determined to be “at fault.”
  4. Has been involved in three or more “at fault” motor vehicle accidents involving personal injury and/or property damage in a 24-month period.
  5. Has been convicted of reckless driving in the past 36-month period.
  6. Has been convicted of leaving the scene of an accident or failure to report an accident during the past 36-months.
  7. Has been convicted of vehicular assault.
  8. Has been convicted of vehicular manslaughter.

The University reserves the right to deny a person the privilege to operate a DMV-licensed, State-owned, leased, or rented vehicle. This right is exercised whenever a determination has been made that it is in the best interest of the University.