Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Medical - Work-Related Injuries and Medical Emergencies

Work-related injuries are covered by Worker’s Compensation for cost of treatment and lost time.


  1. Employee: All work-related injuries, even though apparently not serious, must be reported. REPORT ALL WORK-RELATED INJURIES IMMEDIATELY TO YOUR SUPERVISOR AND OBTAIN APPROPRIATE FIRST AID TREATMENT.
  2. Supervisor: It is a supervisor’s responsibility to obtain first aid treatment for an injured employee and to have a CS-13 “SUPERVISOR’S REPORT OF ACCIDENT OR INJURY” completed and signed by the supervisor and employee. The form should then be submitted to the University Police Department with a copy sent to the Human Resources Office by the end of that work day or shift.

First Aid

Emergency first aid is available to all students and personnel on campus by contacting University Police at (315) 386-7777. (All 911 calls go to University Police.) University Police are fully trained in CPR and first aid and will respond to the emergency. They will make a determination as to the next step (i.e., call the rescue squad or transport to the Davis Health Center, etc.).

Medical Care

Treatment of a work-related injury may be administered by ANY physician, podiatrist, or chiropractor authorized by the Worker’s Compensation Board to render medical care. To assure Worker’s Compensation coverage, make sure your medical practitioner is so authorized and inform him/her at the outset that the injury is work related. The physician files a claim for service. It is imperative that we have an accident report on file for every work-related injury.