Classes for Monday, February 17 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.


UCanWeb is a web-based application which gives access to general and personal academic information for both faculty and students at SUNY Canton. Since it is web based, students and faculty can perform functions from any computer connected to the internet, on or off campus.

Using any browser, the user can access the website by clicking on option “UCanWeb” in the “Choose Your Link” pull-down menu of the SUNY Canton homepage ( The personal information is contained in a secure area of the system, and the user needs to log in using a User ID and PIN which is provided by the Registrar’s Office.

Some of the functionalities available for students in the system include online registration, access to information such as student schedule, financial aid history, midterm and final grades, account information, web surveys, curriculum information, and personal information such as address, phone number, and email addresses.

Faculty can enter grades for their students through the faculty module of the system. They can also see their class rosters and information on various courses offered in the College, and they can retrieve basic information about their students and/or advisees. Using the email addresses set up in Banner, UCanWeb also allows students and faculty to send emails to each other.