Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Canton College Foundation, Inc.

In 1973, the Canton College Foundation (CCF) was established and registered as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. The CCF solicits, receives, and manages private contributions for the purpose of supporting and advancing SUNY Canton.

The Executive Director is responsible for day-to-day operations of the CCF. The Board of Directors, comprised of alumni, friends, faculty, and staff oversees the Canton College Foundation.

The CCF manages endowed, restricted and unrestricted funds, and charitable life-income gift funds following NYPMIFA and New York State and federal regulations related to charitable gifts. A spending plan is adopted each year by the Board of Directors for the distribution of funds from endowments.

The CCF, as a result of generous contributions from donors, provides a substantial number of scholarships to SUNY Canton students each year. CCF funds also support Campus Enhancement Awards and Faculty/Staff Development Grants, in addition to supporting specific projects funded by donors and various campus needs, such as specialized equipment, new program development, or research.