Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Learning Commons Hours

Students in the Academic Recovery Program must meet with their Academic Recovery Mentor during the first week of classes to develop a customized plan for completing their required weekly hours (per intervention level) in the Learning Commons. Students can choose how they will spend their time in the Learning Commons (located in the Southworth Library building) using various resources to help them succeed in their studies. These resources include:

  • Tutoring make sure to use the login computer to document your hours. No. of Hours _______

Business and Accounting Lab

Writing Center

STEM Lab (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math)

  • Research assistance No. of Hours _______
  • Study space designed for individuals and small group collaborations No. of Hours _______
  • Engagement events - No. of Hours _______
  • Will you need to use?

The Textbook Loan Program Yes ____ No _____

Technology (such as printing, laptop) Yes ____ No ____

  • If you are an EOP or TRiO student, you can do your tutoring hours in
    EOP Lab (MCC 234)
    TRiO Lab (MCC 233)

For example, a student on high intervention (who needs to complete 6 hours/week in the Learning Commons) may develop a plan with their mentor to spend 2 hours in the Writing Center, 1 hour working with a Librarian, and 3 hours studying in the Learning Commons. A student on low intervention (who needs to complete 3 hours/week in the Learning Commons) may decide to spend 2 hours studying in the Cyber Cafe and 1 hour in the STEM Lab.

Students and mentors can adjust plans throughout the semester as needs change.

Learning Commons Weekly Hours begin January 29,2025.

Intervention Levels Cumulative GPA
High Intervention 0.00-1.79
Low Intervention 1.80 and Higher

Academic Support Services
SUNY Canton
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617

Peggy A. De Cooke, Ph.D.
Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
MAC 610