Recommend a Peer Mentor Faculty Form

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Thank you for taking the time to recommend a Peer Mentor for the Academic Recovery Program! We appreciate the assistance of faculty and staff in the process of identifying potential mentors.

Students must:

  1. Be enrolled in courses at SUNY Canton.
  2. Provide a transcript at time of hire and each semester thereafter supporting good academic standing with an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher.
  3. Provide a faculty endorsement(s) relevant to peer mentoring which supports them as a mentor for the Academic Recovery Program.
  4. Submit a Resume on Handshake Portal.
  5. Submit a completed Academic Recovery Mentoring application.

If you know a qualified student you wish to recommend, please complete, and submit the form below. If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Support Services at extension x7425.

As part of the application process, we require students to seek the recommendation of a faculty or staff member who can assess their skills in a number of areas relevant to the position. By providing your endorsement, you affirm that you recommend this student as a mentor because they demonstrate skills such as leadership, academic success, communication, and responsibility. This student would be able to mentor other students in developing academic skills and connecting them with resources and serve as a positive role model among their peers.

Academic Support Services
SUNY Canton
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617

Peggy A. De Cooke, Ph.D.
Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
MAC 610