Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

30.9.0 Fire Alarm Systems & Fire Protection Equipment

Last Update:

Falsely reporting a fire alarm is a Felony under the New York State Penal Law. An arrest may result when an individual initiates or circulates a false report or warning of an alleged occurrence or impeding occurrence of a fire, explosion, or the release of a hazardous substance under circumstances in which it is not unlikely that public alarm or inconvenience will result. Tampering with fire protection equipment endangers the lives and safety of members of the campus community and an arrest and/or discipline by the Student Conduct Office may result.

30.9.1 Residence Hall Fire and Fire Drill Procedures

If there is a fire in the residence halls, pull the nearest fire pull box and notify your Resident Assistant, the Residence Hall Director, or the office at once.

During the year, there will be periodic fire drills in the residence hall conducted by University Police. These drills are often unannounced so you should assume that there is a fire whenever you hear the alarm. When a fire alarm sounds, all residents must immediately and completely evacuate the residence hall, and dress appropriately for current outdoor weather conditions.

You are responsible for knowing the proper fire drill procedure including the proper dress, preparation of your room, exit route, and assembly area.

If you are not in your room when the alarm goes off, proceed to the nearest exit and go to the area outside the building assigned to you for roll call. If you are in your room, please adhere to the following rules:

  1. Open the blinds and leave lights on in the room.
  2. Close windows if possible.
  3. Close your room door.
  4. Wake roommate(s).
  5. Proceed quickly and quietly to the nearest exit.
  6. Wait outside the fire exit, away from the building, for further instruction.
  7. Rooms may be checked for evacuation by Residence Life Staff and University Police.

30.9.2 Kennedy Hall Fire Alarm Policy

Use of cook stoves in Kennedy Hall is a privilege, not a right.  If the fire alarm is set off in a suite more than once during the academic year, regardless of the reason, the power to the cook stove in that suite may be be shut off for the remainder of the semester, or for a one-month period.

Additionally, if the oven, stove or burners are discovered to be unacceptably dirty or if there is evidence that the smoke detector has been covered or tampered with, the power to the stove will also be shut off immediately.

The purpose of this policy is to reduce the number of fire alarm activations in the building and to prevent potentially dangerous situations. 

Please remember:

  1. When using the stove, never leave it unattended.
  2. Always keep the oven, burners and stove-top clean.
  3. To reduce smoke and steam, use lower temperature settings and utilize lids for pots and pans.
  4. Know the location of the fire extinguisher and know how to use it.

If you set off the alarm in your suite by accident (i.e. cooking) and there is no fire, all occupants of the suite must evacuate the suite and travel down to the first floor lobby, to wait for University Police. If you know there is a fire within your suite, evacuate the suite, pull the nearest fire alarm pull station to sound a general alarm, indicated by flashing strobes within the corridor and common areas, and evaluate the building. If your suite is the only suite in which the fire alarm is sounding, University police will investigate the alarm upon their arrival. If no fire is found by University Police, they will reset the system and let the occupants back into their suite. At all times if the fire alarms sounds and you evacuate your suite and find the building in general alarm you must evacuate the building.

30.9.3 NY State Student Notification of Fire Safety Standards in Residence Halls

N.Y. Education Law 6438 requires notification of fire safety standards and measures in all College-owned or College-operated housing. To facilitate compliance the following information is provided:

An Emergency Evacuation and Fire Safety Plan has been developed for the Campus including: Mohawk Hall, Heritage Hall, Rushton Hall, Smith Hall and Kennedy Hall. This plan can be viewed and is available on the web at: the EH&S website at: and also through the Residence Life Office. Sprinkler Systems

Mohawk Hall, Heritage Hall, Rushton Hall and Smith Hall are equipped with sprinkler systems in the basement and first floor storage areas. Heritage Hall East Wing,  Rushton Hall East Wing, Mohawk Hall East Wing, and Kennedy Hall are equipped with an automatic sprinkler system designed to discharge water when the effects of a fire have been detected. In general, sprinkler heads are located in each space of the building. Fire Alarm Systems

All five residence halls are equipped with an automatic fire alarm system designed to detect the unwanted presence of fire by monitoring the presence of smoke and/or heat. In general, smoke and/or heat detectors are located in each space of the building. The fire alarm system can also be manually actuated by pulling a fire alarm pull station. Fire alarm pull stations are located throughout the building at or near an exit. The location of fire alarm pull stations are identified in the Emergency Evacuation and Safety Plan as well as on posted Building Evacuation Plans. Fire Extinguishers

All five residence halls are equipped with portable fire extinguishers. Portable fire extinguishers are intended to extinguish or control small fires. In general, portable fire extinguishers are located on each floor of the building in common areas and other required spaces. The location of portable fire extinguishers are identified in the Emergency Evacuation and Safety Plan as well as on posted Building Evacuation Plans. Exits

All five residence halls are equipped with emergency exits and stairwells. The location of emergency exits and stairwells are identified in the Emergency Evacuation and Safety Plan as well as on posted Building Evacuation Plans.

Additional fire safety information including the Campus Fire Safety Report may also be found in the annual Jeanne Clery Disclosure Act and Fire Safety Report which can found at:

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