Classes for Monday, February 17 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

30.16.0 Tobacco Policy

Last Update:

SUNY Canton serves to protect the health, safety, and comfort of its students, employees, and visitors while fostering a respect for others and the environment. The College joins the American College Health Association in supporting the findings of the Surgeon General that tobacco use in any form, active or passive, is a significant health hazard. Moreover, SUNY Canton recognizes that environmental tobacco smoke is classified as a Group A carcinogen by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.

In 2012, designated tobacco-use areas on campus were significantly reduced and tobacco-free areas significantly increased.

Tobacco use is only allowed in the following areas:

  1. Heritage, Smith, Rushton, and Mohawk Gazebos
  2. Kennedy Hall Picnic Area

Some of the reasons for SUNY Canton’s commitment to becoming tobacco free include:

  1. Promoting respect for others and the environment
  2. Reducing the health hazards posed by exposure to second-hand smoke on campus
  3. Preparing students for increasingly tobacco-free workplaces
  4. Helping prevent desecration of the campus environment by tobacco litter
  5. Supporting campus wellness

30.16.1 Definitions

For the purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:

Tobacco: All tobacco products and other smoking devices, including, but not limited to: cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, electronic aerosol delivery systems, nicotine-free electronic cigarettes, cigars, hookah-smoked products, clove cigarettes, bidis, kreteks, synthetic marijuana, smokeless tobacco, vape pens and snus. This definition does not include any product that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for sale as a tobacco-use cessation product.

College: SUNY Canton.

SUNY Canton Property: Any property owned, leased, or operated by SUNY Canton.

30.16.2 Components of the Policy


The College will make every reasonable effort to assist those employees and students who wish to stop using tobacco. The Campus will promote evidence-based cessation resources. Students can access support at the Davis Health Center. Employees can access support through the Employee Assistance Program.

Compliance and Communication

This policy applies to all College employees, students, visitors, and vendors and is driven by respect for others and the environment. The entire campus is empowered to appropriately and civilly inform a violator of the policy and ask them to move to a designated tobacco-use area. We anticipate that most instances of violation of this policy can be remedied through education and/or informal reminders. As tobacco regulations are College policy, serious or repeat violations may subject employees to disciplinary action as contained in the appropriate articles of the union contract. Students may be subject to disciplinary action as contained in this Student Handbook.


  • The sale of tobacco products or tobacco-related merchandise is prohibited on College property.
  • The free distribution (sampling) of tobacco products and associated products is prohibited on the College properties.
  • Sponsorship of campus events by organizations that promote tobacco use is prohibited.
  • Advertisement of tobacco products at campus events is prohibited regardless of sponsorship.
  • Organizers of public events on campus are responsible to communicate this policy to attendees.

Policy Review

SUNY Canton will maintain a broad-based Tobacco Advisory Committee to identify and address needs and concerns related to this policy, implementation, compliance, enforcement, and cessation. The Tobacco Advisory Committee will review this policy on a regular basis to ensure that it is sustained, effective, and up to date.

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