Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Commencement Checklist

Listed below is the overall checklist for participating in the 2025 Commencement Ceremony. The following step-by-step information guide will be helpful in answering questions you have while applying to participate (walk across the stage) for the Commencement ceremony in May. You will also find the appropriate department to contact for any lingering questions you may have after reviewing the checklist. Please remember to check your SUNY Canton email often for updates and reminders.

Step 1: Apply to Participate in the ceremony by March 15, 2025.

  • Confirm your eligibility by logging onto UCAN Web and following the following directions:
    1. Log in to UCanWeb.
    2. Choose Student Menu.
    3. Choose Student Records.
    4. Choose Apply to Graduate/Participate in Commencement.
    5. Complete the application, indicating whether or not you intend to participate in the Commencement Ceremony.
    6. Press Submit.
  • If upon opening the application, you see "no curricula available" please contact the Registrar's Office directly at
  • You may check if your application went through on UCAN Web under the "view application to graduate" tab.
  • IF you will not complete your degree requirements by May 2025 but wish to Participate:
    • Submit your permission to walk early application.
    • Please find the policy regarding walking early at commencement in our campus policies.

      Students are eligible to participate in commencement prior to the completion of graduation requirements, provided the following criteria is met and Dean’s approval is given.

      1. Student must be within 12 credit hours of completing all degree requirements and be in good academic (2.0 GPA or better) and social standing by April of the year they wish to walk.
      2. Student must be registered for all remaining required courses by the second week of April.
      3. Student must complete all graduation requirements before a diploma will be issued.
      4. Student can only walk at a single commencement.
  • If you already completed your degree in Summer, Fall, or Winter, you will need to fill out the application form here.
  • If you miss the application to participate in the ceremony (March 15, 2025), you will be required to pay a $20 late fee to walk in the ceremony.

Step 2: Review & Share information with family and friends.

  • Review the schedule with family and friends and determine who is attending.
  • Each graduate receives 5 guest tickets.
  • Due to capacity restrictions, all children (including infants) count as a guest and need a separate ticket.
  • The ceremony will be livestreamed. There will be a livestream link shared via email to the graduates as the date gets closer.

Step 3: Purchase/Pick up your cap, gown, and tickets by Friday, May 10.

  • Regalia (a cap with a tassel and gown) is required to participate in the Commencement ceremony. Military uniforms or traditional Ceremonial Dress may be worn in lieu of regalia.
  • Cap and Gowns will be available for order starting Monday, January 20.
    • To order:
      • Go to 
      • Under "Categories" click on "Regalia"
      • Select "Cap/Gown & Tassel"
        • Make sure to input your height
      • If you are picking up your regalia on campus, select "in-store pick up"
      • If you need your regalia shipped, fill in your shipping information, select "Home Delivery" and pay for your order.
    • No payment is necessary at time of ordering. Payment is due at the time of pickup.
    • Bachelor hoods and tassels are acquired separately during pick-up / delivery. You do not order these online.
    • Honor cords, medallions, and stoles through any honor societies or clubs are to be picked up / made arrangements with the society / club advisor.
    • Last day to order cap and gowns: Friday, March 7
    • Pick up date for cap, gown, & tickets begin: Monday, April 21
    • Last Pick up date for tickets on campus: Friday, May 2
    • Last Pick up date for cap & gown: Friday, May 9.
    • Pick up location will be across the hall from the Campus Store.
  • The College will be covering the cost for each graduate cap, gown, and tassel bundle this year. Graduates will be responsible for any other associated costs such as hoods, honors tassels, shipping and/or late fees. 
  • Any orders that were not placed on the SUNY Canton website by the March 7th deadline will be subjected to a $10.00 fee.
      • Bachelor Hoods - $40.00 Bachelor hoods come in the following colors:
        • Bachelor of Business – Drab (Brown)
        • Bachelor of Technology – Orange
        • Bachelor of Science - Gold (Yellow)
      • Honors Tassels - $10.00 ~ Honor graduates with a GPA of 3.25 or higher are eligible to purchase and wear a gold tassel. Upon request and verification, honor students may purchase a gold tassel.
  • Graduates who are members of official registered honor societies may opt to purchase and wear an honor cord, medallion, or stole (depending on the honor society). This distinction is not for all students who may be graduating with honors, but only for those who are members of honor societies. The following honors societies and groups have a cord, stole, or medallion available for purchase for confirmed, active members:
    • Golden Key International Honor Society
      • Specific to students in 4-year programs.
      • Students may purchase a blue and gold cord or gold stole through the Golden Key site directly. You must be a member and log in through your account to purchase these items.
    • Alpha Phi Sigma
      • Specific to Criminal Justice majors.
      • Students have the option to purchase a medallion, blue and gold cord, or gold stole with blue letting through the APS faculty advisor.
    • Tau Alpha Pi
      • Specific to Engineering Technology majors.
      • Students have the option to purchase a gold and green cord through the TAP advisor.
    • Tau Phi Zeta
      • Specific to Veterinary Technology Majors.
      • Students will order hunter green and silver honor cord and society pin through TPZ advisor.
    • Current and former service members
      • Verified students may contact the campus Veterans Coordinator to coordinate pick up of a red, white, and blue cord.
    • Your official SUNY Canton class rings can be ordered online here from Herff Jones. The website showcases a variety of styles and includes online promo codes to save during checkout.

Step 4: Review the Commencement Program

You will receive an email from the Special Events Office asking you to review the Commencement program. Your name on this list is for purposes of the Commencement Program only. You are urged to check the list to ensure that their name and degree title are correct. Official certification as a graduate is completed by the Deans’ Offices and will be completed in time for diplomas to be mailed in early summer.

  • Please report any missing information, incorrect denotations, or spelling errors to the Special Events Office at or (315) 386-7918.
  • If you would like your name to appear differently on your diploma, please contact the Registrar's office directly at or (315) 386-7616.
  • If you have a question about your degree information listed in the program, please contact your Dean's office:
    • Business & Liberal Arts, MacArthur Hall 416 or call 315-386-7328
    • Canino School of Engineering Technology, Nevaldine North 105 or call 315-386-7411
    • Science, Health and Criminal Justice, Cook Hall 125 or call 315-386-7401

Step 5: Contact Information

  • If you have questions regarding diplomas, transcripts, names changes on diplomas, or your application for graduation won’t go through – Please contact the Registrar’s Office at or (315) 386-7616.
  • If you have any questions about your permission to walk early request status, or your degree or credit information – Please contact your respective Dean’s office:
    • Business & Liberal Arts, MacArthur Hall 416 or call (315) 386-7328
    • Canino School of Engineering Technology, Nevaldine North 105 or call (315) 386-7411
    • Science, Health and Criminal Justice, Cook Hall 125 or call (315) 386-7401
  • If you have any questions regarding the commencement ceremony in general, please contact the Special Events Office at or call (315) 386-7918.

Additional Information

  • Use the Photo Submission Form to submit photos to be displayed to the audience before the 2025 Commencement Ceremony. All photos will be reviewed prior to being posted. The deadline for submission is May 2, 2025.
  • If you are an online student and not able to attend the Commencement Ceremony on May 10, 2025, and would like to be recognized for your hard work at SUNY Canton, please fill out the Commencement Opportunities for Online Students form. This form will enter your name into the procession of our Commencement Ceremony as long as you have not missed your apply to graduate deadline. If you have a difficult name to read, please include the phonetic spelling.

Special Events Coordinator
Amber Baines
Phone: 315-386-7918