Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

List of Graduates for Commencement Program

Below is a list of graduates, separated by School. Your name on this list is for purposes of the Commencement Program only. Students are urged to check the list to ensure that their name and degree title are correct. Official certification as a graduate is completed by the Deans’ Offices and will be completed in time for diplomas to be mailed in early summer.

If you have confidentiality on your record or your name appeared in the program in the last two years under the major you are graduating in, your name will NOT appear in the program.

Change Deadline: Friday, April 25

Please report any missing information, incorrect denotations, or spelling errors to the Special Events Office at

If you would like your name to appear differently on your diploma, please contact the Registrar's office directly at

If you have a question about your degree information listed in the program, please contact your Dean's office:

  • Business & Liberal Arts, MacArthur Hall 416 or call 315-386-7328
  • Canino School of Engineering Technology, Nevaldine North 105 or call 315-386-7411
  • Science, Health and Criminal Justice, Cook Hall 125 or call 315-386-7401

List of Potential Graduates

Please check back soon for updated lists.

Special Events Coordinator
Amber Baines
Phone: 315-386-7918