Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Exhibit Shows ‘Adirondack Experience’ in SUNY Canton’s Cyber Café


A photographic exhibition showcasing the north country’s great outdoors is now on display in SUNY Canton’s Southworth Library Learning Commons.

Graphic and Multimedia Design Professor Matthew J. Burnett has collected student, faculty and staff photographs captured during his Adirondack Experience Summerterm photography course. The exhibit will officially open with a reception at 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13 in the Cyber Café. Musical accompaniment will be provided by Rajah, a jazz, rock and classical band. The event is free and open to the public.

Professor Matt Burnett canoes with two students from the Adirondack Experience class.

“In August 2019, nine students entered a concentrated photography course like no other,” Burnett said. “Our classroom was the Adirondack park. Students learn how to use digital cameras to document the area’s greatest scenery, with side lessons on portaging canoes and climbing mountains.”

Burnett said the diverse group of students entered the course with very little camping or paddling experience but grew into leaders who met the challenges of outdoor life with a positive attitude.

A scenic view of a tributary in the Adirondacks.

“The comradery, hard work and shared beauty of our region is transformative,” he said. “I believe the exhibit captures the spirit of the class against the breathtaking backdrop of the Adirondacks.”

A student photographs the scenery in the Adirondacks.

Two students jump into the water with the Adirondacks in the background.

About SUNY Canton

Discover SUNY Canton, where innovation meets opportunity. The college’s career-focused educational programs emphasize hands-on and applied learning opportunities in digital design, engineering technology, health, information technology, management, public service, and veterinary technology. Faculty members bring real-world experience and exceptional academic expertise to the classroom. As a leader in online education, SUNY Canton offers unmatched flexibility with hundreds of courses and 25 comprehensive degree programs offered completely online. The SUNY Canton Kangaroos compete at the NCAA Division III level and are members of the SUNYAC. In addition to its 15 traditional teams, SUNY Canton offers coed varsity esports and cheerleading.