Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Credit Card Policy

Pursuant to New York State Education Law 6437 (Regulation by Colleges of Conduct on Campuses and Other College Property Used for Educational Purposes) the advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards to students is prohibited on the SUNY Canton campus, except within the following guidelines:

  1. For the purposes of these guidelines, credit card vendors are defined to include individual students, student groups, not-for-profit, and commercial organizations soliciting student applications for credit cards (direct mail solicitation of alumni or other non-students is not covered by this policy).
  2. Credit card vendors must apply with, and be authorized by, the Student Activities Office to reserve a vending space on campus.
  3. Solicitation of credit cards may only occur on campus between Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  4. Vendors will be restricted to the Richard W. Miller Campus Center only.
  5. Vendors are restricted to an area of 25 feet from their vending space for purposes of handing out (or collecting) applications.
  6. Prior to their first visit on campus, vendors must file with the Student Activities Office a declaration that they have read, understand, and will abide by all of the policies in effect at the campus (failure to sign or follow the declaration could result in permanent barring of the vendor from campus).
  7. On subsequent visits, vendors must register with the Student Activities Office at least five (5) business days prior to the day of vending, to receive proper authorization to vend.
  8. No more than one credit card vendor is permitted to solicit on campus per day.
  9. A credit card vendor is allowed to solicit only for one type of card.
  10. Vendors cannot ask students to take (or fill out) an application in order to receive handouts or win other prizes; handouts and prizes are prohibited.
  11. Vendors may only offer an application to an individual once.
  12. Vendors must show proper ID and authorization to vend upon request by University officials (failure to do so will result in the vendor being asked to leave and be possibly barred from the campus).
  13. Vendors must be notified that they may not misrepresent credit card policies or ask or suggest that students put wrongful information on credit card applications.
  14. Vendors may be prohibited at campus option from collecting credit card applications.
  15. Credit card policies must be clearly displayed at the site of vending and copies of the credit card policies must be handed out to all individuals who accept (or complete) an application (these policies must include, but are not limited to interest rates, teaser rates, and annual fees).
  16. Vendors must clearly post at the site of vending and distribute handouts on the dangers and consequences of consumer debt to all individuals who have taken (or completed) an application.