Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Rashid K. Audin, Ph.D.

Rashid AudinAssociate Professor and Engineering Science Coordinator

Electrical Engineering Technology & Engineering Science
State University of New York at Canton

Office: Nevaldine North 122
Phone: 315-386-7154

Educational Background

  • Ph.D. Experimental Solid State Physics, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY
  • M.S. Physics, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
  • B.S. Physics, National University of Iran, Tehran, Iran

Teaching Experience

  • Associate Professor, SUNY Canton,  1/2007 -  present

                Courses Taught at SUNY Canton:

    ENGS 201 Statics, ENGS 202 Dynamics, ENGS 205 Material Science, MFGT/CONS 220 Manufacturing Materials, ELEC 263 Circuits, ELEC 343 Advanced Circuit Analysis, ELEC 215 Energy Conversion & Power, ELEC 383 Power Transmission & Distribution, ELEC 436 Biomedical Electronics, ELEC 261Electricity

  • Instructor/Research Associate, Physics Department, Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY

    Taught the following undergraduate and graduate courses:
    Thermal Physics, lecture and laboratory, Solid state Physics I and II (PH541 and PH542), and Theoretical Classical Mechanics I

Research, Development Experience & Interests

  • Experimental study of electrical & magnetic properties of new class of amorphous alloys and their characterization for energy saving of electrical transformer application
  • Electromagnetic properties study of alloys and sub-micron particles
  • Experimental study of stress/strain effect on electrical properties of metallic glasses
  • Design and construct experimental apparatus to study magnetic filtration of sub-micron particles
  • Arc and induction melting techniques to produce metal alloys
  • Design and develop experimental setups for electromagnetic properties measurement of materials at high and low temperatures
  • Design and construct high-vacuum systems for experimental apparatus to study physical properties at high and low temperatures
  • Product development & design of electronic Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) instruments

Industrial Experience

Technical Consultant, 2003-2006, Self-Employed, Potsdam, NY
Technical director, 1992-2003, Amtra Corporation, Burlington, VT

  • Responsible for financial planning of various projects
  • Responsible for writing and presenting proposals
  • Responsible for application of data acquisition system and computer interfacing with laboratory diagnostic instruments for development of ultrasonic, electromagnetic, and eddy current based non-destructive testing instruments.
  • Developed and commercialized a series of electronic non-destructive testing equipments.
  • Supervised engineers and technical staff

Projects Manager, 1989-1992, Defelsko Corporation, Ogdensburg, NY

  • Managed product development projects for a series of quality testing instruments
  • Established manufacturing process and quality control standards
  • Developed a temperature compensation technique for magnetic induction based sensors
  • Studied the effect of surface roughness on magnetic induction and eddy current based sensors.
  • Supervised and trained several employees ranking from engineer to assembler

Senior Engineer, 1987-1989, Defelsko Corporation, Ogdensburg, NY

  • Developed and designed a unique eddy current based sensor.
  • Developed a temperature compensation technique for eddy current sensors
  • Commercialized a quality testing instrument using the eddy current sensor


  • Eastman Kodak Research Scholarship, Clarkson University, 1983 - 1984
  • President, Sigma Pi Sigma Physics Honor Society (Clarkson Chapter), 1979 -1981


  • Rashid K. Aidun, “Coating thickness measurement gauge”, U.S. Patent 5,241,280
    August 31, 1993

Professional Membership

  • The American Physics Society (APS)
  • The American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
  • American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)

Selected Presentations

“Quality Control Process & Equipment For Finishing and Refinishing Applications”, Invited Speaker/PPG Industries, Strongsville, OH, August 18, 2003

“High Speed Powder Coating for Soft & Hard Substrates”, SME/ AUTOMOTIVE FINISHING 2000 CONFERENCE, Detroit, MI, May 4, 2000 ** This research was collaborated with Dr. Daryush K. Aidun, Professor & Chair, Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering Department, Clarkson University **

List of Publications

  • Antiferromagetism and Electrical Resistivity of Dilute Cr-Ge Alloys, S. Arajs, R. Aidun, C. Moyer, Phys. Rev. B22, 5366 (1980).

  • Electrical Elastoresitivty of Glassy Fe40Ni40Pl4B5, Fe32Ni36Cr14P12B6 and Fe78Mo2B20 at 77.4K. R. Aidun, S. Arajs, M.C. Martin, Mat. Sci. and Eng., 50 (1981) 143.

  • Electrical Conduction in Some Glassy Metal Alloys in the presence of Magnetic Field and Tensile Stresses, R. Aidun, S. Arajs, E. Dokyi, M. Martin, J. Appl. Phys. 53 (11), 1982.

  • Crystallization Processes in Nitrogen-Bearing Fe-V-B-Si Amorphous Alloys: Magnetic, Thermal, and Transport Properties. K.V. Rao, K.A. Bertness, R. Aidun, S. Arajs, H.H. Liebermann, J.Non-Cryst. Solids, Vol. 61-62 (1984) 853.

  • Automation of the Direct Current Comparator Resistance Bridge, R. Aidun, R. Caton, S. Arajs,Pramana, Vol. 22, No. 6 (1984).

  • Magnetic Filtration of Submicron Particles Through a Packed Bed of Spheres, S. Arajs, C.
    Moyer, R. Aidun, E. Matijevic, J. Appl. Phys.57 (1), April 15, 1985.

  • Formation of Localized Magnetic Moments in Cr-Mn Alloys, R. Aidun, S. Arajs, C. Moyer,
    Phys. Stata. Vol. (b) 128, 133 (1985).

  • Anisotropic Electrical Magnetoresistivity in Non-Magnetostrictive Amorphous Ferromagnets. A. Raoufi, S. Arajs, and R. Aidun, Physica, Scripta, 35,62, 1986.

  • Electrical Conduction in Thin Chromium Film, El Sayed A. Mehanna, S. Arajs, H. F. Helbig, R. Aidun, N.A. El Katlan, J. Appl. Phys. 61(8)4273, April 15, 1987.

  • Magnetic Filtration of Submicron Hematite Particles, H.F. Haque, R. Aidun, C. Moyer, and S. Arajs, J. Appl. Phys. 63 (3439), 1988.

  • High Speed Powder Coating for Soft & Hard Substrates, R. Aidun, D. K. Aidun**, SME
    proceedings, May 4, 2000.