Classes for Monday, February 17 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

EOP Pre-College Summer Program

EOP continues to attempt to provide a comprehensive EOP Pre-first Year Summer Program for our incoming first time/first year EOP students which will tentatively begin July 21, 2025 and end August 15, 2025.

Resident student participants should arrive on campus on Sunday, July 20, 2025.

During the program, student participants will experience an introduction to the campus, departmental resources and the Canton community. Student participants will engage in learning components such as Math, Writing Composition, Chemistry, American History, Sociology, College Success Skills and in some workshops and entertaining evening/weekend programming.

EOP Summer Program students pose for a photo

It is a requirement of the program that student participants contact EOP to confirm attendance once accepted into EOP.

34 Cornell Drive
Miller Campus Center 234
Canton, NY 13617-1037