Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Hall of Fame Nomination Form

Nominating Process

SUNY Canton alumni become eligible for selection into the Hall of Fame five (5) years following the conclusion of their collegiate career at the College. (e.g. Students who have received both associate and bachelor’s degrees from SUNY Canton are eligible five years following the date they received their bachelor’s degree.)  

Faculty and staff are not eligible for induction until a minimum of three (3) years following the conclusion of their employment.

Candidates may be nominated prior to their date of eligibility, but the Selection Committee will not consider the nomination until the five year period has lapsed, unless extenuating circumstances arise.

Anyone may nominate candidates for the SUNY Canton Hall of Fame, but self-nominations will not be accepted.

Those wishing to nominate a person for the Hall of Fame must complete the nominating form below. Please be as detailed as possible when describing a candidate’s accomplishments and contributions.

» Hall of Fame Criteria