Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to be "written up" or referred"?

When a student is written up by a member of Residence Life or when University Police sends a report to our office, it is believed that a student has violated one of the codes of conduct. A student may also be referred to our office by another student or a staff member or faculty member if it is believed that the student may have violated a code. Once a report or referral is sent to our office, a Conduct staff member meets with the student to help reach a resolution.

If I am referred, how will my case be resolved?

Depending upon the situation, your case may be resolved by a Summary Action meeting. A Summary Action meeting is a one-on-one meeting where the accused party and the adjudicating officer come to an agreement on the violation(s) of the Code of Student Conduct and the appropriate disciplinary sanction(s) in lieu of appearing before a disciplinary hearing board. To learn more about the Hearing Board process view the Hearing Board Process page.

I was involved in an incident off campus, why am I being referred?

The Code of Student Conduct states all students' behavioral expectations and standards of conduct. The rules pertain to the actions of individuals while they are students, on or off the campus grounds. Therefore, serious incidents occurring off-campus may still be adjudicated through the Student Conduct System.

Will disciplinary sanctions be recorded on my academic transcript?

A student who is suspended or dismissed from SUNY Canton will receive a notation on their transcript. The notation reads, "Suspended after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduction violation" or "Dismissal after a finding of responsibility for a code of conduct violation."

Will my parent or guardians be notified?

The Family Educational Rights to Privacy Act (FERPA) prevents us from disclosing information regarding student conduct charges to parents or guardians except for the following circumstances:

  • The student is under 21 and found responsible for an alcohol or drug violation, on or off campus;
  • The student is considered a threat to themselves and/or others

What are the differences between Disciplinary Warning, Disciplinary Jeopardy, Disciplinary Probation, Expulsion, Suspension, or Interim Suspension?

  • Disciplinary Warning: This is meant as a warning that the student's status at the College is in jeopardy. Future violations of the Code of Conduct may result in the student's removal from the residence halls, loss of certain social privileges, or suspension from the College.
  • Disciplinary Jeopardy: This is meant as a strong warning that the student is in jeopardy at the College. The next incident will likely result in the student's suspension from the residence halls and/ or College and loss of certain social privileges.
  • Disciplinary Probation: The student is not permitted to live on campus for a specified period of time and is additionally restricted from the residence halls during that time period. If the student is found in the residence halls during that time period, they will be arrested for criminal trespass by the University Police Department. Further, the next incident will result in the student's immediate suspension from the College for one academic year.
  • Expulsion: Permanent termination of student status at SUNY Canton. Expulsion will be noted on the student's permanent record.
  • Interim Suspension: While normally no action will be taken against a student/ organization until charges have been heard in accordance with the hearing process established under the Code, a student/organization may be suspended pending a hearing on the charges whenever, in the judgment of the President or the President's designee, the continued presence of the student/organization would constitute a clear danger to the student or to the safety of persons or property on College premises, or would pose an immediate threat of disruptive interference with the normal conduct of College activities. During the interim suspension, the student may be denied access to the residence halls and/or to College premises (including classes) and/or all other College activities, privileges, or services for which the student might otherwise be eligible, or as the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs/Dean of Students determines to be appropriate.

How do I refer someone?

All staff, faculty, and students are encouraged to report behavior that is of concern to them for assistance. Community members and parents are also welcome and encouraged to report concerning behaviors. All referrals require a description of the incident that is concerning. It should include all pertinent information about the incident and the person involved. For all concerns reported, the Behavioral Intervention Team will review reports, look for patterns of behavior, and will determine the appropriate course of action (possibly in consultation with other key staff and faculty members).

You can submit a Concern using the Intervention Request/Report Form located on the CARE Team page.

How can I get involved?

We recruit students annually to be trained and serve as members of the Student Faculty Hearing Board. The role of a board member is to adjudicate serious incidents and make a determination on a case through a formal conduct hearing. We are also always looking for new members. If you are interested in serving on hearing boards, please stop by our office in the Miller Campus Center, suite 229.

Student Conduct
Campus Center 229
SUNY Canton
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, New York 13617

Phone: 315-386-7120
Fax: 315-386-7990 

Regular Hours:
M - F: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm