Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Saeid Haji Ghasemali, P.Eng (Ontario)

Saeid Haji Ghasemali

Associate Professor

Civil & Environmental Engineering Technology, B. Tech
Civil Engineering Technology, AAS
Construction Technology Management, AAS
State University of New York at Canton

Office: Nevaldine South 123
Phone: 315-386-7024

Educational Background

  • Post-Doc - University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, 2012
  • Ph.D. – Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Tehran, Iran, Structural Engineering, 2008
  • M.S. – Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Structural Engineering, 1997
  • B.S. – Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran, Civil Engineering, 1995

Academic Experience

  • SUNY Canton, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Construction Technology, September 2022-present
  • Azad University, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, 1998 - 2020
  • Toronto Metropolitan University (Ryerson University), Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering, 2014-2018

Industry Experience

  • Reinforced Earth Company ltd., Mississauga, ON, Canada, 2019- Present. Title: Structural Engineer. Duty: Reading drawings quickly and accurately, Design lead for the T shape element retaining wall, designing of buried precast concrete arch bridge, designing of buried precast concrete bridge, Designing of Precast Concrete panels with GFRP as a replacement of steel rebar to improve service life of structures in an aggressive environment, developing design spreadsheets for different type of Structures, communicating well and working in teams, preparing design package for the IFA & IFC drawings including shop drawings, participating in our construction site to assist our project managers during busy construction periods, Establishing Liaison outside of our department with our Project Managers and with Consulting Engineers.
  • Jacobs, Toronto, Canada, 2018- 2019. Title: Bridge specialist.  Duty: providing conditional assessment for the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) existing bridges, Review of the structural detailed of Culvert, Chamber, and bridges, prepare proposals and reports
  • Rahavar engineering consulting, Tehran, Iran, 1995-2008. Title: Bridge Engineer. Duty: Preparing structural design of bridges including superstructures and substructures, providing structural design of retaining walls, visiting sites to determine bridge types, span arrangement, etc. (Preliminary and final phase design of bridges), Performing cost estimates and quantity takeoff

Areas of Expertise

  • Structural Engineering
  • Reinforced Concrete structures with GFRP
  • Testing and simulation of Concrete structures under chemical attacks
  • Seismic behavior of liquid containing structures and modeling using FEM,
  • Modeling of Strengthened Structures using composite materials


  • Teaching
  • Soccer

Courses Taught at SUNY Canton

  • CONS 336 Structural Analysis
  • CIVL 394 Steel Bridge Design
  • ENGS 201 Statics
  • ENGS 203 Strength of Materials
  • CONS 275 Strength of Materials Lab
  • CIVL 339 Structural Analysis Lab
  • CONS 304 Reinforced Concrete
  • ENGS 101 Intro to Engineering