Classes for Monday, February 17 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Message from the Dean of the Canino School of Engineering Technology

Micheal Newtown


The Canino School is your place to learn the “practical” while exploring the “what if” of engineering technology.  I am confident that you will come to share the excitement that I have for our family of students, faculty, and staff.

In a changing economy and with a constantly shifting job market, we are ideally situated to provide the type of trained workforce to help this country stay great.  We are reaching into the newest areas of manufacturing, environmental, and information technology to give you the best education possible all while maintaining the best of our traditional courses.

Our increasing emphasis on teamwork, communications, distance learning and organizational skills all make our students attractive to industry. You will see a major evolution in your learning experience while at SUNY Canton.

The Canino School is in the process of:

  • A new water chemistry lab for Civil & Environmental Technology program
  • Expanded training opportunities with Subaru of America
  • CREST, our workforce training center, will be moving into a newly renovated building this fall. This building will be powered by renewable energy from photovoltaic systems to geothermal heating and cooling.
  • ABET will be visiting Civil & Environmental, Electrical, and Mechanical Technology this fall for an accreditation visit.  This is a major step forward for these programs ensuring that the needs of our corporate partners for a properly developed workforce are met.
  • Exploring a completely online Information Technology program offering with our sister campuses in SUNY.
  • Our strong array of industry partnerships including sponsored laboratories and Industrial Advisory Boards, will continue to expand, thus assuring that the Canino School maintains leadership position within New York State.

As you explore the information available on our website, I hope that you will keep in mind SUNY Canton is here to build a future for our industrial and student partners. I would like to quote our name sake, Joel Canino, who said “Students should go forward from SUNY Canton knowing that if they fully apply themselves, they can accomplish anything!” In joining our school you will have practical knowledge welded into your education.


Michael J. Newtown
Dean, the Canino School of Engineering Technology