Classes for Monday, February 17 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Peer Review Process

Procedures for Review of all Faculty Leading to Reappointment, Promotion, Tenure, or Termination. The Provost’s Office provides a list of all faculty members who must be reviewed during the following academic year, including those contractually required to undergo review and those requesting a change in rank or tenure status, to the Dean of the candidate’s specific academic unit, as well as to the President’s Office. The Dean then notifies the candidate in writing that his/her review will take place, and requests that the candidate supply all information needed for review, with the dates required.

Each academic department shall constitute a peer review committee for each candidate under review whose purpose it is to recommend to the College President on any personnel decision involving any department member. The selection of the Peer Review Committee is done in consultation with the department chair/director/program director, and approved by the dean of the school. All members of a candidate’s specific academic unit (i.e., Canino School of Engineering Technology, School of Business and Liberal Arts, School of Science, Health and Criminal Justice) who are not under review shall be called together by that Unit’s Dean for the purposes of establishing the peer review committee. A list of faculty eligible to serve shall be made available. The department chairperson may not be a member of the Departmental Peer Review Committee. 

The membership of the Peer Review Committee shall be: 

  • One faculty member from the program/department. If this is not possible, then a faculty member from the candidate’s school may be substituted.
  • Two additional faculty members, at least one of which must come from outside the candidate’s School.
  • All three committee members must have continuing appointment, unless that is not possible (e.g., if no one else from the program/department has continuing appointment).

After the Peer Review Committees have been selected, their names shall be forwarded to the School Dean, who shall determine that the guidelines for the composition of the Peer Review Committees have been met. Where compositional guidelines cannot be met, the department chair/director/program director must notify the School Dean and obtain approval for any proposed substitutions. Where no committee can be properly constituted to carry out the review, the School Dean and the Provost will devise an appropriate procedure after consulting with the department chair/director/program director of the candidate’s specific academic unit.

The recommendation shall be based on information in the Evaluative File. The Peer Review Committee recommendation represents a decision of peers in each organized area and is an initial and essential component in evaluation appraisal for department members seeking personnel decisions.

Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

Peggy A. De Cooke, Ph.D.
SUNY Canton
MAC 606
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617

Fax: 315-386-7945