Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Discover Your Pathway to Wellbeing

Wellbeing Programs & Initiatives assists students in exploring pathways to wellness so they can identify their personalized approach to life-long well-being. Click on each category below to learn more.

Emotional Wellbeing

Intentionally pausing to identify, process and respond to our emotions.

Benefits of Emotional Wellbeing

  • Build Healthy Relationships.
  • Develop positive self-esteem, self-concept, and confidence.
  • Prevent and reduce stress. Learning to ask for support.

Educational Programs that focus on emotional wellbeing (examples).

  • Healthy Relationships
  • Resilience
  • Community Building
  • Fresh Check Day
  • Stress Prevention

Additional On-Campus Resources to Support Your Emotional Wellbeing

  • The Counseling Center is designed to provide short term, brief counseling with a professional, licensed Counselor. Sessions are open to current students and are free of charge.
  • The Student Activities, Involvement, & Leadership Office works to provide students with a robust out of classroom experience. This is achieved by both social and educational programming as well as providing leadership opportunities for students.

Healthy Lifestyle

Consistently engaging in activities and habits that reduce the risk of major illness. Living a healthy lifestyle can also support our mental health.

Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

  • Reducing the risk of major illness (diabetes, heart disease, etc.).
  • Supports mental health.
  • Develop a positive sense of self.

Educational Programs that focus on healthy lifestyle (examples).

Additional On-Campus Resources to Support a Healthy Lifestyle

  • The Davis Health Center is dedicated to providing culturally competent medical care, educational programs and student advocacy which will enhance a student's wellbeing and empower a student to become a well-informed consumer of health care during their lifetime.
  • The Fitness Center and Pool is located in Roo's House and is available for student use without charge. Intramurals are a great way to be active without the commitment of travel and practice.
  • The health, wellness, and nutritional aspects of campus life are an important aspect of academic success. Dining Services offers many wellness options.

Positive Decision Making

Building your life one step at a time through identifying and evaluating choices.

Benefits of Positive Decision Making

  • Actively working to prevent stress.
  • Feel competent.
  • Expanding your ability to problem solve, evaluate, and process information.

Educational Programs that focus on positive decision making (examples).

  • Alcohol/Substance Use
  • Organizational Health
  • Sexual Health
  • Sleep Hygiene
  • Stress Prevention/Reduction
  • · Time Management

Additional On-Campus Resources to Support Positive Decision Making

  • Advising and First Year Programs is here to assist you with your transitions - we want to provide you with the information you need to make wise and informed decisions.
  • The Career Services Office provides a collection of services that aid students and alumni in selecting and securing rewarding careers.
  • The Counseling Center is designed to provide short term, brief counseling with a professional, licensed Counselor. Sessions are open to current students and are free of charge.
  • The Davis Health Center provides culturally competent medical care, educational programs and student advocacy which will enhance a student's wellbeing and empower a student to become a well-informed consumer of health care during their lifetime.

Building a Community

Developing a personal identity and sense of belonging.

Benefits of a Community

  • Develop positive self-esteem, self-concept, and confidence.
  • Build healthy relationships.
  • Supports personal growth.

Educational programs that focus on creating a community (examples).

  • Positive Self-Talk
  • National Coming Out Day: Talking to Your Health Care Providers/Counselor
  • Embracing Adulthood

Additional On-Campus Resources to Support Creating a Community

  • The Student Activities, Involvement, & Leadership Office works to provide students with a robust out of classroom experience. This is achieved by both social and educational programming as well as providing leadership opportunities for students.
  • SUNY Canton strives to provide its’ campus community [students, faculty, and staff] with an environment of inclusiveness where everyone is welcome, and no one is turned away or feels left out. The Center for Diversities & Inclusion are dedicated to promoting and integrating diversity initiatives to enhance our students’ education, as well as developing a campus environment that values and respects human dignity and differences.
  • Roolife is the campus engagement platform that SUNY Canton uses to display all events that are happening on campus. Departments/Offices and Clubs/Organizations both use Roolife to post their events.

Farren C. Lobdell, M.S., CAS
Director of Wellbeing Programs & Initiatives 
MCC 134
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617
(315) 386-7958