Applying for Financial Aid

Applying for financial aid is a multi-stepped process with separate applications for federal and state financial aid programs.

The first step is to obtain the required applications and submit them to the appropriate processing agencies.

Checklists and Timelines

You do not have to be admitted to the college to file your financial aid applications. Review our flyer which contains all the basic information on SUNY Canton Financial Aid.

We recommend the following deadlines to ensure you get as much financial assistance as possible:

2024-2025 Academic Year: 2/1/2024 Preferred Deadline

To help we have created the following checklists to guide you through the process:

The new 2024-2025 FAFSA was launched on December 31. Currently there are times when you may experience longer than normal wait times to access the application. 

SUNY Canton has extended our suggested 2024-25 FAFSA filing deadline to March 1, 2024 to allow additional filing time due to delays with the new form.

The Department of Education announced that 2024-25 FAFSA submissions will not be sent to colleges and universities until mid-March as they continue to update the processing system.

Due to this significant delay, SUNY Canton will not be able to provide estimated or actual financial aid information until late Spring.

We will continue to provide updated information as it becomes available.

How to Apply for Federal Financial Aid

To apply you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, more commonly known as the FAFSA form.

  1. Apply for a Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID to use as your electronic signature. Both student and parent need their own FSA ID's. You will receive your confirmation typically within 3 days (if sent by email and separate email addresses must be used by the parent and student).
  2. You will need to know your Parent or spouse name, date of birth, social security number and email address (the email address is the one associated with their FSAID account).  You will be asked to consent to load your IRS information however, there are cases that you may need to know your income and asset information.
  3. Complete the FAFSA Form. This information is used to determine how much financial aid you may be eligible to receive. Computers are available for student use in the One-Hop Shop.

NYS Residents: How to Apply for New York State Aid

If you are a New York State resident, you will be given a link after you have submitted your FAFSA application to apply for the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP). For 2024-25, the TAP application link may not be available to you. Go to TAP On The Web and apply.

NOTE: Students who have been approved for an Excelsior Scholarship or other NYS State awards (not TAP) must wait to fill out their TAP application after they have been notified that their 24-25 FAFSA has been processed.

  1. Apply online at TAP On The Web. You will receive an email reminder from NYS HESC.
  2. You will need a copy of your and your parent's New York State income tax returns to complete the application. Your application will be verified with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance for accuracy.
  3. NYS will notify both you and the school listed of the amount of your NYS TAP Grant after the NYS Budget passes. Be sure to list the correct school code for your program (3010 for Associate Degree/Certificate or 6010 for Bachelor Degree).
  4. We will do our best to estimate your NYS TAP Grant in your financial aid package to prevent delays. NYS will notify you of your official award amount after the state budget is passed (typically in late spring).

How to Receive your Financial Aid

This is the process flow after we receive the processed copy of your FAFSA form from the Central Processing Servicer. (typically 7-10 days)

  1. Watch your SUNY Canton email account for updates! We will notify you if additional documentation is required. (copies of taxes, worksheets, etc.)
  2. We will mail all new admitted students a paper letter explaining their awards. Continuing students will receive an email to their SUNY Canton email account when their financial aid award is available on UCanWeb. All students will view their financial aid offers through their UCanWeb account.
  3. Login to your UCanWeb account and accept or decline your financial aid offers. Your login information was mailed to you in your Enrollment Packet.
  4. There may be additional requirements for any awards you have accepted. For example, new loan borrowers must complete a Master Promissory Note. View step-by-step tutorials on how to complete your loan requirements.
  5. A billing notice will be sent to you each semester (June for fall semester, November for spring semester). You must process your bill, including paying any balance due, before you are considered officially registered for each semester.
  6. After classes begin (about 5 weeks), we will start to receive the funds for your financial aid awards and begin to issue any refunds if your aid exceeds your total billed charges.

Continue to watch your email for updates and monitor your account online through your UCanWeb account on a monthly basis throughout the year.

If at any time you have questions on the applications or the process, feel free to contact the One-Hop Shop Student Service Center.

One-Hop Shop
Miller Campus Center - 1st Floor
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617

Tel: (315) 386-7616
Fax: (315) 386-7930

Secure Upload Form

Regular Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00 am-4:30 pm

9:00-4:30 pm

Summer/Vacation Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00 am-4:00 pm

9:00-4:00 pm