Financial Aid Resources

There are many internet sites that provide valuable and helpful information about financial aid. Below we have listed a few of the internet resources available to you to assist in applying and learning more about financial aid. When clicking on any of the links below, you will be taken to an external website.

External Websites to Apply for Financial Aid

  • Federal Student Aid ID (aka FSA ID) - The username you create will allow you to access all your federal financial aid information online.
  • FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) - You need to complete the FAFSA application each academic year. Everyone who will be providing information on the FAFSA will need an FSA ID to access the form.
  • New York State TAP Grant (Tuition Assistance Program) - You need to apply for the New York State TAP Grant each academic year. When you first use the website, you will be asked to create a username and password.

External Websites to Learn More About Financial Aid

  • New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (NYS HESC)
    This is the website for NYS HESC. New York State offers a Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) grant as well as many different scholarships. Visit their webpage for further information and how to apply for each. There is also a calculator to help you estimate your New York State TAP Grant.
  • SUNY's Net Price Calculator
    This calculator can help you determine the cost of attendance at SUNY Canton and potential estimated financial aid offers.
  • CashCourse, Empowered Financial Planning
    Create a free account. This is a free service provided by New York State to assist SUNY students with a financial education resource that's designed for enrolled and college bound students.
  • Inceptia
    Contracted by SUNY Canton to provide guidance to students who are behind on their student loan payments. They will act as a go between for you and your loan servicer to help you get back on track. This is a free service.

External Websites for Direct Loans

You must know your Federal PIN Number in order to complete these processes.

  • Direct Loan Entrance Counseling - To borrow a federal student loan you must complete an entrance counseling session. Use these steps to help with the online process:
    1. Sign in using your FSA ID.
    2. Click on “Complete Entrance Counseling” on the sidebar.
    3. What to do:
      - Read the content and answer the questions.
      - Read the Borrower's Rights and Responsibilities.
      - Print the Counseling Completion Verification page for your records.
    4. Step 1: Select the "Undergraduate" counseling type. 
    5. Step 2: Read through the guidelines.
    6. Step 3: Select 'New York' for state and 'State University of New York College of Technology at Canton' for school.
    7. Step 4: Read through each page of information and answer the questions.  As you click an answer you will get a pop-up window showing the correct answer.
    8. You must click to view the Borrowers Rights & Responsibilities, opens in separate window, to continue.
    9. Click Continue and you will be given your confirmation. Check schools listed.
    10. An electronic acknowledgement will automatically be sent to SUNY Canton.
  • Master Promissory Note (MPN) - To borrow a federal student loan you must complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN). Use these steps to help with the online process:

Student MPN Process:

  1. Sign in using your FSA ID.
  2. Click on “Complete MPN” on the sidebar.
  3. Select the "Subsidized/Unsubsidized" loan type.
  4. Step 1: Enter and/or confirm your personal information. Select your school under 'New York' for state and 'SUNY-CANTON COLLEGE' for school.
  5. Step 2: Enter contact information for two references (must have different addresses, one can be the same as yours).
  6. Step 3: Read the Terms & Conditions.  You must click the '+' sign on the left for sections C, D, E and G to show they have been read (a green check box will appear on the right to indicate satisfied). Then click the box at the bottom to indicate you have read and acknowledge the material.
  7. Step 4: Review all information entered, go back and adjust if necessary.  Type in your name in the boxes provided for your signature and click sign.
  8. A further step will appear at the bottom of the screen, click the 'HTML Version' to view your completed master promissory note. Click Continue.
  9. You will receive the following message: ' Thank you for submitting the MPN.' and can view/download a copy of your completed MPN.
  10. You will receive an email thanking you for completing the process from the Department of Education.
  11. An electronic acknowledgement will automatically be sent to SUNY Canton.

Parent MPN Process:

  1. Complete the same steps as the student except choose 'Parent PLUS' as the loan type and sign in with the Parent PIN Number.
  • Direct Loan Exit Counseling - Once your enrollment at SUNY Canton ends, you must complete an exit counseling session if you borrowed any federal student loans. Here are some steps to guide you through the online process:
  1. Follow above link and follow the steps for “Exit Counseling”
  2. Once successful, an electronic acknowledgement will automatically be sent to SUNY Canton.

One-Hop Shop
Miller Campus Center - 1st Floor
34 Cornell Drive
Canton, NY 13617

Tel: (315) 386-7616
Fax: (315) 386-7930

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Regular Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00 am-4:30 pm

9:00-4:30 pm

Summer/Vacation Office Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00 am-4:00 pm

9:00-4:00 pm