Crime Prevention Tips

Campus Parking for Students

Parking at SUNY Canton is by permit only. This means that all vehicles parked on the SUNY Canton Campus, including visitors, must be registered with the college and display a valid parking decal. Students can register their vehicle and obtain a parking permit at the Student Service Center located on the lower level of French Hall. This registration is conditioned upon the payment of a registration and parking fee. Currently the combined registration and parking fee for a full-time student is $186.90 annually.

A temporary registration is required in the event it becomes necessary to operate a vehicle on campus other than the vehicle(s) you have registered. You may obtain a temporary or visitor registration from University Police (we are open 24 hours a day - seven days a week) or at the Student Service Center. There is no charge for a visitor or temporary registration.

Handicapped parking spaces which are clearly marked with identifying signs are provided.

Do your part to make SUNY Canton a safe campus. Register your car, drive and park responsibly.

Fire Drills

Fire drills are often viewed as an annoyance by the campus community. The mere mention of a fire drill is enough to bring a scowl to the happiest of faces. But fire drills are a must. Whether we realize it or not, fire drills are extremely important in aiding to prevent unnecessary injuries and/or death. They are an important tool for planning and practicing the orderly evacuation of a building. Fire drills prepare you in the event of a real emergency.

You should always know the evacuation plan for the building you are in. When the fire alarm sounds, calmly but quickly follow the building evacuation plan and proceed to the nearest exit. Do not use the elevator.

If you reside in one of the Residence Halls, be sure you are also aware of the building emergency evacuation procedures. Here is the evacuation procedures for the Residence Halls as outlined in the Student Handbook.

If you are in your room:

  1. Open the drapes and leave the lights on in the room.
  2. Close windows if possible.
  3. Wake roommate(s) and students in next room.
  4. Proceed quickly and quietly to nearest stairwell.
  5. Wait outside the fire exit, away from the building for further instructions.
  6. Rooms are checked for evacuation by Residence Staff and University Police.

If you are not in your room:
Proceed to the nearest exit, and go to the area outside the building assigned to you for roll call.

Your Residence Hall may have additional procedures for you to follow. If you are unsure, have further questions or concerns, contact your Resident Assistant, or Resident Director immediately.

Everyone must leave during a fire alarm! People who anticipate a drill often do not react with serious concern for their safety. Keep in mind, not every alarm is a drill. Individuals who decide not to evacuate during an alarm will be subject to disciplinary action by the College. Those who refuse to leave the building upon request may be subject to arrest.

Remember, practice makes perfect: this practice may save your life someday.

Hunting Season

With hunting season under way, University Police would like to remind hunters and other weapon owners of the campus weapon policy. All weapons (bows, arrows, rifles, shotguns, black powder weapons, handguns (with valid permit or police/peace officer), ammunition, paint ball guns, air soft/BB guns, swords, etc.) brought onto campus by students, faculty, or staff must be brought immediately to the University Police Department. The weapons will be registered and secured in the Department’s arsenal. This service is available at the University Police Department 24 hours a day.

Bringing a firearm or other weapon onto SUNY Canton College property without properly registering it with University Police is a violation of the New York State Penal Law and may result in your immediate arrest. Weapon registration with University Police is done quickly and is free of charge.

To ensure safety, any firearm brought to the University Police Department must be unloaded, the action open, and secured with a trigger lock or secured in a gun case. If the registrant does not have either item with the firearm, gun locks will be provided by University Police for no charge through Project Child Safe. Project Child Safe is a free program funded by the U.S. Department of Justice to help ensure safe and responsible firearms ownership and storage. University Police would also like to remind the rest of the campus community that the Department still has plenty of gun locks available to be given out. The locks are free, and any individual can request up to 4 locks.

Please be safe during this hunting season!!

If you have any questions on these very important topics, please call University Police at 315- 386-7777, or e-mail:

Personal Safety

Stay in well-lit areas: Walk with other and do your best to travel in places that have good lighting.

Be Aware of your surroundings: As you are walking, always be aware of who is around you. If you notice someone following you, move to an area where there are more people and call for help. Try to walk in groups.

Security: Keep room doors and vehicles locked at all times.

Parties/social gatherings: Avoid attending/hosting large gatherings with individuals you do not know and be mindful not to enter houses or apartments belonging to strangers.

Alcohol: If you are of legal age and choose to consume alcohol, do so with moderation. Avoid juice, punch, and other mixed drinks as they may contain other substances. If you did not make it, you don’t know what is in it.

Drugs: If you are of legal age and choose to consume legal drugs, do so safely in the presence of people you trust. Only use drugs legally purchased at legal retail establishments to be sure it does not contain other substances. Call 911 if you or anyone else appears to be in distress. Narcan is now available in all AED locations on campus.

NYS 911 Good Samaritan Law:

Penal Law 220.78 – Witness or Victim of drug or alcohol overdose

A person who in good faith seeks health care for himself or another, or is the subject of a good faith request, and who is experiencing a drug or alcohol overdose or other life threatening medical emergency, shall not be charged or prosecuted for a controlled substance or marihuana offense, or possession of alcohol or drug paraphernalia if the controlled substance, marihuana, alcohol or paraphernalia was obtained as a result of the person seeking or receiving health care.

Legislative intent is to encourage a witness or victim of a drug or alcohol related overdose to call 911 or seek other emergency assistance to save the life of an overdose victim, who otherwise may refuse to do so for fear of criminal prosecution.

Emergency Medical Services: Contact University Police or call 911 to request EMS.

See something, say something: Be sure to carry your cell phone with you and do not hesitate to call 911 if you see something that does not look or feel right.

Reporting behavioral concerns


Recommended Reading:

The Gift of Fear by Gavin De Becker

Unthinkable by Amanda Ripley

If you need assistance on campus, call University Police at 315-386-7777 or 911.