Classes for Thursday, February 13 are remote until noon due to inclement weather.

Program Requirements (Curriculum 0489)

Semester I Credits

Semester II Credits

Semester III Credits

Prefix Course Name Credits
PHTA 203 PTA Seminar I* 2
PHTA 204 Cardiopulmonary & Integumentary Pathologies 4
PHTA 205 Neuromuscular Pathologies 4
PHTA 206 Advanced PT Modalities 2
MATH MATH 111 or higher (GER 4) 3

Semester IV Credits

Prefix Course Name Credits
PHTA 207 ** Clinical II 6
PHTA 209 ** Clinical III 6
PHTA 210 PTA Seminar II 2

* Fulfills writing intensive requirement

** Students must be prepared to work 40 hours per week and are responsible for their own transportation, meals, and housing as needed.

  • CPR certification (Health Provider Status) is required by the end of the first semester.
  • Students may be required to submit to a drug screen and/or a criminal background check as part of clinical education requirements.
  • To progress in the PTA curriculum a minimal grade of C in BIOL 217 & BIOL 218 and C+ in all curriculum courses prefixed with PHTA must be achieved.
  • Of all PHTA prefixed courses, only one course may be repeated one time.
  • The NYS Education Department Office of the Professions requires persons applying for licensure to answer questions related to conviction of a crime or professional misconduct.


Students must be matriculated in the curriculum for at least 15 hours of graded coursework. At least 12 of these credits must be prefixed with PHTA. The Program Director will determine the 12 credit requirement following a review of the student's academic transcript.

Deborah Molnar, PT, DPT, MSEd
PTA Program Director
(315) 386-7394